Green Production Map
Use our Green Production Map to find service providers and initiatives in the film industry that are doing their best to address the climate emergency.
How to edit the map
We invite and encourage you to add any company, event or initiative that helps our industry produce in an environmentally friendly way.
You do not need an account to edit or add new entries, we will however monitor all submissions.
Please follow these steps:
- Select the correct category above the map
- Press the button add a new entry on the map
- Briefly describe what the entity does and how it can help productions be more sustainable.
- Entities that have singned our statement should have a #filmmakers4future tag.
- Branches of companies should have a #branch tag.
- You can add as many additional tags as you wish, but make sure that the default tags are preserved.
About the map
Our map is part of On their website you can find a lot of interesting green companies & initiatives that are not related to film production but may still be interesting to you! If you stumble upon anything that is relevant to our industry but is not shown on our page please add the #greenfilm tag and the appropriate category tags to make it appear!